Good for You

Fish and seafood offer many nutritional benefits and are one of the healthiest options for lean protein. However, buying and storing fish and seafood can be quite intimidating for many people due to the fear of consuming spoiled fish. This does not have to be the case. Please use the links to find nutritional information as well as consumer questions regarding consuming fish and seafood, as well as buying and preparing fresh and frozen seafood.

Fish Facts

Consistent Evidence for Benefits

Seafood is a nutritious food containing nutrients that play a well-established role in:

  • normal growth and development
  • energy metabolism
  • building and repairing body tissues
  • formation and maintenance of bones and teeth
  • formation of red blood cells
  • building antibodies

At this point the evidence suggests that eating seafood supports heart health in adults and normal growth and development in infants and young children.

There’s a sufficient amount of consistent evidence for associations between:

  • Increased seafood consumption and a decreased risk of cardiovascular deaths and cardiovascular events (such as myocardial infarction) in the general population.
  • Maternal seafood or fish-oil supplement consumption during pregnancy and/or breastfeeding and improved pregnancy outcomes, including:
    – increased length of gestation, and
    – improved developmental outcomes (such as visual acuity and cognitive development) in infants and young